12th Holiday Classic Sale
Saturday, December 20, 2006 -Zanesville, OH

Tag 23-8 Heifer
Meyer 734 x DSUL Freckles 23C
A full sister DSUL Oh Too Sweet, the Top Selling Meyer Bull on the 1st Genetic Progress Sale.
 This heifer is sweet.. a major show heifer that will not only compete with the low % Simmentals, but good enough to compete with the crossbreeds . She is as neat and smooth fronted as you will fine, plus she is deep.
Your going to like this one...

Tag 624-6 Heifer
Heatwave x 624 Cherokee Lady
Stout, cool, big bone and hairy...She is out of the highly consistent donor Cherokee Lady.

Tag 215-5 Heifer
Meyer 734 x 215 Bareta
Her Dam is in the donor program.
4 full sisters sold last year with a $5000 average.
She is stout big bone still has a cool look

Tag 48-1 Heifer
Tremendous cow potential and stylish enough to show.

Tag 48-3
One of the cowest and as stout of a Meyer you well see.
Meyer 734 x 48G
Major Donors Deluxe... 2 of 6 full sisters selling on Dec. 30th, 2006

Dan Sullivan
2576 Old Brandon Rd.
Hillsboro, TX 76645
254-582-0814 Home    254-582-7096 Office
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Email: dsullivan@hillsboro.net