
Lot 11-A Meyer 734 x 215 Bareta Heifer
Sold on the 2008 Power in the Blood Sale |

Lot 11-B Meyer 734 x 215 Bareta
Sold on the
2008 Power of the Blood Sale |

Meyer x 215 Bareta Heifer
Top selling open in the 2007 Holiday Classic for $5500

DSUL Lareta
Meyer x 215 Bareta
Valued at $7,000 on the Genetic Progress Sale 2006 |

DSUL Careta
Meyer x 215 Bareta Heifer
Sold on the Genetic Proress Sale 2006 for $7000 to Va. |

DSUL Bareta
Meyer 734 x 215 Bareta
Sold on the 2006 Genetic Progress sale for $ 4,500 Randy George of Mangham, LA |

Tag 4215 Meyer 734 x 215 Bareta Bull
on the 2005 Genetic Progress Sale |

Tag 4215 Meyer 734 x 215 Bareta Bull
Sold on the 2005 Genetic Progress Sale |

Meyer 734 x 215 Bareta
1 of 4 Flush Mates to the Bulls pictured above.
Sold on the 2006 Genetic Progress Sale.