Abigail 4151

DSUL Abigail 4151 is a daughter of Hannibal x Fancy Pants 151 (Meyer734)


Abigail was a stunning open heifer that sold in our Texas calf sale in 2004 for $22.000 and went on to win Champion heifer for Baily Buck at the 2005 OKC show.
Abigail 4151 was no accident as her mom, 151 Fancy Pants is a Meyer 734 daughter that was bred in the Christensen herd in SD. Abigail's 1st calf was so impressive she went right to transplant to Heat Wave where she flushed 14 freezable eggs - If this isn't enough Power in the Blood for you than I don't know what is?


Tag 137  sold in the 2012 Sullivan / Bar A Sale
Smilin Bob x Abigail 4151 x Meyer

Tag 136 sold in the 2012 Sullivan / Bar A Sale
George x  Abigail 4151 x Meyer

Tag 125 Monopoly x Abigail 4151
Sold in the 2011Bar A Cattle Company & Sullivan Ranch 9th Annual Private Treaty Sale

Won in the panhandle and high placing steer
2011 Fort Worth
Heat Wave x  Abigail 4151
Steer Shown by the Nelson Family|

Tag 15 Monopoly X  Abigail 4151
Selling in the 2011Bar A Cattle Company & Sullivan Ranch
9th Annual Private Treaty Sale

Tag 125 Monopoly x  Abigail 4151
Selling in the 2011Bar A Cattle Company & Sullivan Ranch
9th Annual Private Treaty Sale

Lot 71 - Open Heifer in the Genetic Progress VI Sale
DSUL Upgrade x  Abigail 4151
                                        (Hannibal x Meyer 734)

4151 Res. Simmental Steer
2010 OKC Prospect Show
HW x   Abigail 4151

Lot 8 on the 2010 Panhandle Style Pasture Sale
Heat Wave x   Abigail 4151  Steer
One of the 4 flush mate powerhouses!

Lot 10
on the 2010 Panhandle Style Pasture Sale
Heat Wave x  Abigail 4151 Steer
Wow this is one stout flush out of 4151

Lot 12 on the 2010 Panhandle Style Pasture Sale
Heat Wave x  Abigail 4151l Steer
One of the 4 powerful steer out of the 1st flush of 4151.

Lot 13 on the 2010 Panhandle Style Pasture Sale
Heat Wave x  Abigail 4151 Steer
One of the 4 full sib out of  Abigail 4151 that has everyone talking.

Lot 26 Jauer Anchor x 4151 Abigail  (Hannibal-Meyer) Steer
Sold in the 2008 Power in the Blood Sale

Fancy Pants 151 (Meyer 734) as a bred heifer
Dam of Abigail 4151

Abigail 4152 as a calf in 2005
She sold for $22,500

Dan Sullivan r> 2576 Old Brandon Rd.
Hillsboro, TX 76645
254-582-0814 Home    254-582-7096 Office
254-707-0814 Mobile     254-582-7114 Fax
Email: dsullivan@hillsboro.net


Abigail 4151