Keepsake 024

Heat Seeker x Bad Medicine-Angus

Grand Champion Steer
2005 Ohio State Fair
Moss Oak x Keepsake 024
Shown by Cole McConnville

Res. Grand Champion Steer
2005 Michigan Beef Expo.
Moss Oak x Keepsake 024
Shown by the Younts Family

Many Times Champion in Texas
Moss Oak x Keepsake 024
Shown by the Morton Family

2004 Ohio State Fair Champion
Moss Oak x Keepsake 024 Steer
Sold in the Sullivan Iowa Sale for $10,500

Moss Oak x  Keepsake 024 Steer
Sold in the 2005 Pasture Sale for $4200

Dan Sullivan
2576 Old Brandon Rd.
Hillsboro, TX 76645
254-582-0814 Home    254-582-7096 Office
254-707-0814 Mobile     254-582-7114 Fax